「介绍内容结构」:My presentation today includes three parts. First, I'll talk about XXX, then I'll move forward to show you some examples about XXX. In the end, I'll……Ok, let's get started/let's get straight to it.
「过渡性句子」:So, let's move on to the next section.注意,在停顿或者思索的时候不要用Hmm, Ahh这类纯语气词。可以选择一些其他表示停顿,给自己时间思考的词又不会让你表现的缺乏准备或口语表达能力欠缺。Well, so, alright都是不错的选择。
「跟audience互动」:一些主题或风格相对轻松的话题可以加入与观众的互动,让你的presentation更加有活力,并且可以很好地帮助audience参与到你的内容中来,让整个rapport变得很好。在想鼓励audience参与到互动中时可以说Please feel free to interrupt me if you have any questions.
「结束语」:在演讲的最好也不要忘了精彩地结束, 可以说 That's everything I'd like to cover today. Any questions.
❌I don’t know/ I am not sure,这样直接拒绝式的表达会让老师认为你并未做好research。如果真的在提问环节遇到你不知道的时候可以说:
✅That’s really an interesting question,one that I haven’t covered yet but I can see the potential in …
✅Thanks for the question,there is so much more to explore in …
✅That’s an interesting point.I think I’ll do some research later in the area of …
❌ Do you understand? 这样的反问对于audience来说是不礼貌的。在确认对方是否理解时可以说:
✅Does it make sense?
✅I hope this answers your question/I hope this explains.